Tuesday, May 5, 2009

About Me and Thinking

I learnt critical thinking skills during high school and thought I was the bees knees. In 1986, although I didn't know it at the time, I started to learn that critical thinking skills are useful but nowhere near sufficient to claim to be an excellent thinker.

Why? Critical thinking is about creating valid and correct assertions and spotting errors in the assertions of others. Its part of what is known as formal argument (thesis + antithesis = synthesis). A major component is missing from your thinking if this is all you know how to do, well actually several components are missing. The biggest missing thing is idea or concept generation. The second biggest missing skill is explorative thinking.

Explorative thinking includes well known techniques such as analysis, but also the six thinking hats that encourage scanning a concept space in a comprehensive way, or the simpler attention directing tools that you can use to direct your focus instead of following the easiest attention flow.

Generative thinking really needs a robust technique like Lateral Thinking. It is a very difficult form of thinking but with formal tools, such as provocation and alternative scan, can be something you become very skilled in.

More on these in detail in future blogs.